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Nidagravel as a BMP Storm Water and Low Impact Development Solution

Alternative to Costly Storm Water Management Methods:

Parking areas paved with permeable paving systems reduce the need for large detention ponds, because the pavement itself acts as a detention area. Parking lot owners that use permeable paving will spend fewer dollars on the labor, construction, and maintenance of detention ponds, skimmers, pumps, drainage pipes, and other storm water management systems.


Expensive irrigation systems can also be downsized or eliminated. In reducing runoff from paved areas, permeable paving reduces the need for separate storm water retention ponds and allows the use of smaller-capacity storm sewers. This allows property owners to develop a larger area of available property at a lower cost.

Storm Water Impact Fees:
Low Life-Cycle Cost:

Many government agencies are now implementing storm water impact fees for all impervious areas. As regulations further limit storm water runoff, it is becoming more expensive for property owners to develop real estate, due to the size and expense of the necessary drainage systems.


Permeable paving can reduce these fees for the property owner by helping to minimize demands upon sewer systems. In addition, the land ordinarily devoted to costly storm water management practices or compliance with maximum impervious area ordinances can now be developed or preserved, enhancing the bottom line.

Nidagravel ® pavements have a significantly lower life-cycle cost than alternatives such as asphalt and concrete. It requires fewer repairs than asphalt. Nidagravel ® and aggregate paving can be recycled easily once it has reached the end of its life-cycle. Thus Nidagravel ® is widely recognized as the lowest life-cycle cost option available for paving.

Fort Worth, Texas


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